Edmund Rice Secondary School
1. Health & Safety Policy
The aim of the Board of Management/Manager is to provide a healthy and safe working environment. This can be achieved with the help and assistance of all employees and pupils
Currently under review - updated version available soon
2. Accident & Incident Policy
In the case of any accidents or incidents this policy will guide all parties to the correct procedure to follow.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
3. Administration of First Aid Policy
This policy re-enforces the provision a safe and secure learning environment for each child and ensuring a duty of care at all times when the school is in operation.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
4. Administration of Medicine Policy
This policy is in keeping with the school ethos through the provision of a safe, secure and caring school environment and the furthering of positive home-school links where some students may require administration of medicines in school.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
5. Critical Incident Policy
A critical incident is any incident or sequence of events which overwhelms the normal coping mechanisms of the school and disrupts the running of the school
Currently under review - updated version available soon
6. Substance Abuse Policy
We are committed to addressing the needs of the whole school community in relation to substance abuse education. The school community, Board of Management, staff, parents and students share responsibility to ensure the acceptance and implementation of this Substance Abuse Policy.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
7. Child Safeguarding & Risk Assessment Policy
This considers the potential for harm to come to children while they are in the organisation’s care. It should be noted that risk in this context is the risk of abuse and not general health and safety risk.
A risk assessment is an exercise where the organisation examines all aspects of its service from a safeguarding perspective, to establish whether there are any practices or features of the service that have the potential to put children at risk.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
9. Vetting Policy
This policy's goal is to ensure that the school is a safe and secure environment through the vetting of school personnel and that all applicants for vetting are assured that the highest standards of confidentiality are observed.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
10. Green Schools Policy
The Green School Programme is an international environmental education programme, environmental management system and award scheme that promotes and acknowledges longterm, whole school action for the environment.
Currently under review - updated version available soon
11. Anti-Bullying Policy
The Board of Management recognises the very serious nature of bullying and the negative impact that it can have on the lives and wellbeing of students and staff and is therefore fully committed to the following key principles of best practice in preventing and tackling bullying behaviour