Information Bulletin for Parents/Guardians
1st year Students:
There will be an information evening on Wednesday 6th November at 6:30pm for first year parents. The main focus of this meeting will be on subject selection as the students will finish their taster subjects on Friday 8th.
Students driving to School:
At the most recent Board of Management meeting which was held 24th October the question of students driving to school was discussed. On contacting our insurance company we were advised that students should not be allowed park on the school premises. We have discussed this with the students and they are aware they will have to park elsewhere.
Please be advised that your son may be accepting lifts from the students with cars. As you are probably aware young male drivers are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents. In the interest of your son’s safety it may be better if they didn’t accept lifts from their peers especially during school time.
School Calendar:
It appears parents/guardians are unsure of the school calendar. This has been published on the school website since the opening week of the year. The link to the calendar can be found here:
On the days of Parent/Teaching meetings classes will finish at 15.30 hrs. Students will be supervised under the same arrangements as at lunchtimes for the extra 20 minutes they will be out of class.
On the last day before Christmas and Summer breaks classes will finish at 12.00pm. It is traditional that first year students will not be expected to attend for examinations on these two days.
Water bottles:
The school environment has improved greatly this year. You may be aware that students are not allowed bring disposable plastic bottles to school. The reason for this is twofold. Firstly these bottles are an extremely concerning environmental issue. Secondly the bottles break down releasing carcinogenic compounds.
French Assistant:
Our French Assistant has arrived in the school in the past few weeks. He has proved and will prove to be an excellent resource to our MFL department.