We are inviting parents to help in a consultation process with Tipperary County Council and to submit their suggestions to the County Council using the link below. This will hopefully lead to a solution to the safety issues currently outside the schools on the N24.
The need for this Consultation Process stems from issues listed below and these can be quoted in your submissions. The BOM have requested a Zebra crossing be put in place. Other alternatives may also be suggested, for example traffic light controlled crossing.
Shared Subjects between ERSS and Scoil Mhuire, Grennhill:
ERSS and Scoil Mhuire have for many years an arrangement where students both schools can study subjects in the other. At present, ten subjects are offered on that basis which means there is constant pedestrian traffic between both schools. A point of concern is there is no safe means of crossing a busy National Primary Road at peak times.
Bus Drop Off and Collection on both sides of N24:
Provision for school bus stops on both sides of the road means a potential 50% of the passengers will have to cross the road twice a day. The proposed “refuge islands” are too small to facilitate the safety of a large group crossing.
Proposed shared P.E Hall:
The Boards of Management are in discussion with regards to building a shared PE hall which will further the student traffic across the road.
Current arrangement not fit for Purpose:
The crossing is not suitable for people with walking disabilities and who are confined to wheelchairs.