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Awards Night 2023

The Annual Awards Night is an opportunity to commend many of our students on their hard work and dedication, whether that be in their academics, their school spirit or in the many sports the school has to offer. We were honoured to have Mr Eoin Cody, captain of the Senior Kilkenny Hurling team present the awards.

Student of the Year:

This award is given in recognition of the work ethic shown by our students throughout the year. It is the most prestigious award, voted on both their academic achievements and genuine effort in their work.

The overall winner for Student of the Year is chosen for their work ethic, their dedication to their studies and excellent academic achievements. Well done to Paul Keane on winning the overall Junior Student of the Year and Aidan Wells, our Senior Student of the Year. A special thanks to Carrick Credit Union for sponsoring the very generous bursary for the Senior Student of the Year Award, and thank you to Mr Sean McDonnell (Carrick Credit Union CEO) for presenting the award.

Excellence Awards:

This year we had a number of 6th year students that excelled in their focus and commitment to exam preparation. We wanted to acknowledge this by awarding a certificate of Excellence.

The Edmund Rice Award:

The Edmund Rice Award recognises school spirit. These students show each day in school, a willingness to participate, to be positive in all their interactions, to show kindness and helpfulness to their peers and teachers. They are a pleasure to deal with and we are very proud to have them as part of our school community.

Sports Awards:

For many of our students, sports are the highlight of their time in school. Playing games with friends at break-time, training with their school team or club, and for some, going on to represent their county or country in their chosen sport. All of these are important in developing many skills needed in later life. At our awards ceremony, we present various awards to those that have excelled in their sports.

The sports awards culminated in the presenting of the overall Junior and Senior Sportsperson Awards. These recognise the students that have excelled, playing many different sports both for school teams and at county or national levels. Well done to Cathal O'Brien our Junior Winner and to Aaron O'Halloran our Senior Winner.

Extra-Curricular Awards:

These awards recognise those students involved in activities outside of the normal classroom subjects. Many have been involved in competitions at Regional and National level.

Well done to all students involved on receiving their awards. A special thank you to Ms O'Neill for her efforts in organising a wonderful night and to all teachers who helped make this a very special occasion for the students and their families. Thank you to Mr Guilfoyle and Ms Kirwan for their efforts in providing beautiful music on the night. Thank you again to Mr Eoin Cody and Mr Sean McDonnell for presenting the awards.

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