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SETU Events

Try SETU events programme

Try Business - 12 December

Our ever popular Try Business event at SETU Waterford on Monday, 12 December gives students the chance to see if business is the right career for them. Focusing on Finance & Economics, Enterprise, Accounting and Social Media Marketing, students can make more informed decisions on the CAO and choose the right choice for them. Booking at

Try Computing - 12 December

Try Computing also takes place at SETU Waterford on Monday, 12 December. This event focuses on Applied Computing, Software Systems Development, Computer Forensics & Security, Creative Computing and more and includes a programming lesson in one of our computing labs, as well as talks and demonstrations by department staff. Our focus is to help students understand careers in computing and help them make better choices on the CAO.

Full Try SETU programme Try Business: Monday, 12 December 2022 – booking link

Try Computing: Monday, 12 December - booking link

Try Tourism & Hospitality: Tuesday, 31 January - booking link

Try Culinary: Tuesday, 31 January - booking link

Try Art: Wednesday, 1 March – booking link

Try Social Science: Thursday, 2 March – booking link

Try Law: Friday, 10 March – booking link

Try Languages: Tuesday, 14 March – booking link

Try SETU for Mature Students: Wednesday, 15 March – booking link

Other Try events are currently in development including: Try Engineering Technology and Try Physics.

How to book Interested students can visit the event pages and book on the booking link to secure their place. All try events are listed on SETU Waterford Campus

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